Biblical Genesis and Creation: “When Faith and Science tell the same story!”

Dr. F.S. Martelli

A priest from the Belluno area of N.E. Italy, Fr. Guido Bortoluzzi, who died in 1991, received from the Lord a series of revelations on the origin of man and the creation of the universe that give light to the darkest and most controversial parts of Genesis thereby opening up for mankind of the third millennium the way of Truth, which alone can make us free.
Without going into the details of the revelations received by Fr. Guido, whose book I vividly recommend to all who thirst for authentic knowledge, I recall briefly that the approach described in this paper is that the progenitor of the human race, “Adam”, generated two lineages, a pure and legitimate one with the woman that God had placed at his side as companion, and a second illegitimate one which was the result of hybridization with a female of an inferior, yet nonetheless compatible species, which goes by the name ’serpent’ in Genesis 3:15: “I will put enmity between you (female of the inferior species) serpent (a type of epithet given to this female, Eve, which in the antique semitic languages means serpent), and the Woman (legitimate wife); between your offspring and Her offspring.”
From this hybridization and the consequent development of two distinct and diverse genealogical branches – and their interbreeding, comes the human species as we know it, tainted by physical and mental defects, and bearing a large number of sicknesses resulting from imbalances that were introduced into the Genome.
It was the first catastrophic experiment in genetic manipulation in all of human history; the signs of which are still visible for all to see. One only need look to see! Hybridization is therefore the mysterious “Original Sin”, the consequences of which are transmitted by biological mechanisms (as confirmed in a recent series of reflections by Benedict XVI on the 3rd, 8th and 10th December 2008), and in man who has been carrying the burden for millions of years, though without responsibility.
At last, an explanation for the co-existence of Original Sin and man’s misused free will! The absence of such explanation, in addition to making the Genesis account of man’s origin and fall childish and contentious, made a lot of people distance themselves from God the Father, whose person appeared – in the absence of a logical explanation – disfigured and severely impaired of his inalienable prerogatives of goodness and justice. The God of Genesis, without Fr. Guido’s revelation, is more an unfair master than a loving Father.
Then let us seek these signs or scars of the primitive hybridization, which in the eyes of experts who have studied and practised the medical sciences with passion cannot go unseen.
From the day I read Fr. Guido’s book I began to reflect, from a medical point of view, on the “peculiarities” of a whole range of illnesses and syndromes that affect only the human race and from which animals are practically unscathed.

The list is long:
1- obstetrical diseases,
2- chromosomal syndromes,
3- stomatognathic diseases,
4- autoimmune diseases,
5- the long series of hereditary diseases including tumours that are not directly related to the action of viruses, bacteria, fungi, other parasites, or the simple ageing process of living beings.

1- Obstetrical Illnesses

From the Old and New Testament texts we know that with the original sin we entered into a world of suffering, illness and death. Already in Genesis there is mention of the multiplication of female sorrow, and of giving birth in pain (Gn 3:16) and of death as extreme punishment for disobedience, besides the prohibition of accessing the Tree of Life, the symbolic pure genealogical Tree of the descendants of Adam and of the Woman, also called the Tree of the Children of God.
Let’s begin from the obstetrical references which are more easily understood even for those who are not familiar with medical terms.
Giving birth was the MAIN CAUSE OF DEATH for women up to the end of the 19th century. Being in a delivery room just a few times is sufficient to understand that giving birth is for women a dramatic event, not only because of the excruciating pains that accompany all the phases of dilation for the formation of the birth canal, but especially for the number, incidence, variety and severity of complications, which can be fatal or severely disabling both for the mother and the child. We do not have knowledge of such complications in the animal world. Animals do not need a cæsarean section, delivery rooms, or obstetric care, and the birth of their young is an absolutely physiological process that rarely takes on a dramatic character. Animals tend to isolate themselves to give birth, instead women have always needed help and assistance.
Giving birth can cause many complications in women, especially primiparous women (i.e. giving birth for the first time) and even in successive births; such as the tearing of the muscles at the end of the birth canal, which is a clear sign of an inadequate size in a canal that was not designed for the passage of children that large. The simplest solution adopted by the obstetrician is episiotomy: an ample cut in the vaginal wall, which in the last stages of labour allows for easier expulsion of the child to avoid dangerous lacerations, and significantly reducing the pain and stress on women.
In the light of the revelations made to Fr. Guido, it isn’t difficult to imagine what happened on an anatomical and pathophysiological level to the female reproductive system in the human species. In the original design for (the pure) man, who was very tall, the woman was equipped anatomically to give birth to children who were significantly bigger than the small ancestral species. The females of the ancestral species rarely reached 3½ feet in height; and the anatomy of their reproductive systems was proportioned to the size of their young. Hybrid women, who resulted from cross-breeding of the two pure species, were unlikely to exceed the height of five feet and are more similar to the ancestors. Of the hybrid women (called “daughters of men” in the Bible – Gen. 6:1) the most beautiful were taken as wives by the “Sons of God”, and these found themselves mating with men who were at least 8 feet tall. They thus had to give birth to babies considerably larger than what their birth canal was built for, since it was clearly disproportionate and often inconsistent with a normal physiological birth. Children born from these crossbreeds are, in fact, called ‘giants’ in Genesis (Gen. 6.4).
Also the physiology of the female hormonal cycle is atypical compared to the animal world. Women suffer from menstrual and premenstrual pain, both abdominal pain and headache, and in the early stages of pregnancy they suffer a crisis of uterine contractions as if their body were struggling to adapt to the pregnancy, and when not accepting it, attempt to expel the embryo. The medical term for this is miscarriage.
There are also pathological conditions of blood incompatibility between the mother and the foetus, such as the presence of the Rh antigen in the red cell membranes of the child which in a Rh negative mother can at times lead to the development of Rh antibodies, and in a second pregnancy these are able to cause very serious haemolytic crises in an Rh positive foetus.

2- Chromosomal Syndromes

Let us now examine another key issue to understand the devastation that hybridization has introduced into the human genome, and though it is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible it is described fairly consistently in other private revelations. One of the many illuminating passages which I suggest should be read for further comprehension is found in Maria Valtorta’s “Notebooks of 1945-1950” in the ‘dictation’ dated 30 December 1946. From a careful analysis of this text we see that the initial hybridization, made possible by a genetic compatibility between the two original species (both distinct and genetically pure), ended up creating a third species of hybrids, caused by the cross-breeding between the first two, and driven by men to extreme consequences.
These cross-breedings between the Sons of God with the hybrid branches, who were physically and mentally impaired, were often the result of actual rape. On one hand the Children of God raped the daughters of hybrids to supply themselves with strong and intelligent slaves (Gn 6:1) and on the other there was amongst the brutes the custom of kidnapping the Daughters of God. Hence the need for God to put armed guards, the so-called Cherubs, to defend the Tree of Life, or in other words, the Daughters of God.
From a sexual point of view, these types of behaviour could be labelled “bestiality”, while from a generative point of view, they resulted in true and proper “monsters”.
Over millions of years and due to growing promiscuity, the pure human race ended up dying out as it was assimilated into the hybrid species. Noah was the last pure Son of God.
From this situation of permanent and unknowing genetic manipulation we have Chromosomal Syndromes as a residue of a frightening story that God the Father halted with the Universal Flood (Gn 6:5).
With the Sons of God practically gone from the face of the Earth, the Flood wiped out those branches that were genetically more unstable and corrupted by the hybrids. According to biblical accounts, to which numerous private revelations concord, the Universal Flood was necessary to give a fresh start to the human race starting from Noah, and his descendants who were all hybrids with a relatively low rate of impurity. This allowed for a slow recovery of the human race, and stopped the degradation that had lowered man to the appearance of apes except for the one distinguishing sign: the word, that is, the capacity to develop ideas and concepts in a spoken and subsequently written language. God had, in fact, preserved the functions of speech in Cain so that he and his descendants could be recognized as men, there being no other peculiarity that distinguished them from the apes. The function of Broca’s area did not, however, remain untouched by the consequences of hybridization; and the confusion of tongues, as reported in the Bible as punishment for the construction of the tower of Babel, is probably due to a faulty functioning of the speech centres, as well as other pathologies such as dyslexia or stuttering.
Moreover, the inability to maintain a consistency of language is evidenced by changes that languages undergo with time regardless of the influence of other languages, even in countries that were not conquered or invaded. Think of the difference in Portuguese spoken in Brazil and in Portugal, or how English has changed since the time of Shakespeare, or even of the trivial differences in dialects, often only in pronunciation, in Italian cities and towns but a few kilometres away from each other.
While the study of chromosomal syndromes in this new light casts a sinister shadow on the origins of the human race as we know it today, it also opens up to science and religion scenarios for research and analysis that were unthinkable just a few years ago. Let us not forget that before Watson and Crick were awarded the Nobel Prize for studies on the molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and before the scientific horizons had exploded thanks to recent technological achievements that allowed Craig Venter and his team to sequence the human genome, the chances of studying what we might call “God’s Language” from an IT point of view, were virtually nil.
The human chromosome or karyotype is diploid, i.e. it consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 46, half of which come from the male gamete and half from the female gamete at the moment of conception (or biological beginning). Of these 23 pairs 22 determine the physical features, and are thus called autosomes, and the last pair determine the sex, represented by two X chromosomes in females and one X and one Y chromosome in males.
With the fusion of the two gametes (one from the father and one from the mother, both of 23 chromosomes) into a new cell, the full genetic patrimony of 46 chromosomes is re-acquired, giving rise to a new individual. If the individual is hybrid, he or she is born tainted having inherited a DNA that doesn’t correspond to the original project. Incidentally, if at the time of conception according to Christian faith God creates anew the spiritual part of the new individual while the material is contained in the gametes, then the original sin has to be located in the chromosomes. Thus, the term ‘Immaculate Conception’ means conceived without original sin, and this, in other words, means that Our Lady’s karyotype is not like ours, but like the original, identical to that of Adam and the pure Sons of God.
The most serious chromosomal syndromes can be classified, with extreme simplification, into: monosomy (lack of a chromosome), and polysomy (presence of one or more chromosomes in excess of the normal karyotype).
Analysis of the chromosomal syndromes we know of, and research into the cryptogenic syndromes many of which are still unknown, is also a premise to further understanding how a transition between apes and humans is technically impossible on the genetic level. The lack of a chromosome, or monosomy, IS ALWAYS INCOMPATIBLE WITH LIFE: to date there are no scientific explanations able to clarify this issue by supporting the evolutionary theory that assumes a reduction in the number of not one but two chromosomes to pass from the karyotype of the ape (48 chromosomes) to that of humans (46 chromosomes).
Returning to the revelation given to Fr. Guido we know that between the first example of the human race (created perfect by God with a diploid karyotype of 46 chromosomes) and the ancestors (also created perfect with a karyotype of 48 chromosomes) there was an inter-fertile female with 47 chromosomes that functioned as a ‘bridge’, desired and created by God in order to bear the pregnancies of the first two Sons of God.
We now know the devastating effects of the presence of a trisomic karyotype (47 chromo-somes) or polysomes (48 chromosomes) in humans.

It’s important to remember for the layman that the chromosomes are marked with increasing numbers, but inversely proportional to their size. Thus, chromosome 1 contains many more genes and DNA than no. 22 which is the smallest. We do not know why the Creator chose to distribute the information in this way using different sizes of chromosomes instead of designing 23 pairs of chromosomes dimensionally identical, and opt for quantitatively uneven distribution of the genetic material in the 23 pairs. Nor do we understand or see the logic in choosing for man a karyotype that is numerically inferior though it needs to contain in its chromosomes information that is much more evolved and in greater quantity than in the genome of the apes. It almost seems as though God had wanted to exclude the evolutionary hypothesis!!! What we see today is that the trisomies that are compatible with life are those from the smallest chromosomes, and above all, that Down’s syndrome (trisomy 21) has a higher incidence than the other autosomal trisomies, such as nos. 13 or 18, but on the other hand, it is the one with the lowest degree of syndromic chromosomal deficiency.
People with 47 chromosomes can survive and reach adulthood, although they are generally sterile and life-expectancy is significantly lower than in healthy subjects; the trisomy in question is a small chromosome. The other trisomies have no chance of survival and often end up as miscarriages early in the pregnancy (first days or weeks).
So, from a scientific point of view, the conclusion that we can draw from studying monosomies and comparing data obtained is that the evolutionary hypothesis is heretical and revolutionary. It is heretical because it pretends to pass off a lie as scientific evidence on a global level even though it is now clear from biological, biochemical, and mathematical-statistical points of view that the Darwinian evolution theory has no basis. Despite this, it is presented in school textbooks, in museums and conferences as a truth, and dissenting scientists are ostracized and silenced. I’m just a doctor, but I would like to point out that the solution proposed by scientists, i.e., “The most likely hypothesis to explain these differences in the number of chromosomes is an “end to end” fusion between two small chromosomes, that could have occurred in an ‘ancestral preominide’ producing an important distinction between the karyotype of apes and that of Man”, is simply ridiculous.
I do not see, in light of what has been presented above on chromosomal syndromes, how one can hypothesize a shift from 48 to 46 chromosomes since the mere absence of tiny fragments of a chromosome (deletion) is always in 100% of the cases clearly pathological.
When I was a young medical student we were taught that mother nature had eugenic mechanisms of protection of the species. In the world of pets, which in any case are often genetically crossed to obtain certain characteristics, the incidence of chromosomal syndromes only becomes apparent when there is a high exposure to very high doses of ionizing radiation (eg. with animals in the Chernobyl area). This is because they are all crosses between races that belong to the canine species, where cross-breeding is possible without causing chromosomal anomalies. Instead, in the case of different species (and not different races of the same species) there exists an insurmountable genetic barrier between one species and another. In fact, by convention, we use the term ’species’ to define a group of individuals that are genetically isolated, i.e., not fertile with individuals of other species.
I still remember with horror the glass containers filled with formaldehyde in the museum of pathological anatomy at the University of Florence that preserved on its dusty shelves the monstrous bodies of poor babies with chromosomal syndromes who had not survived because of karyotypes that were incompatible with life.

3- Pathologies of the stomatognathic system

To conclude the question on chromosomal syndromes it is important to remember that one of the points shared by these syndromes is represented by pathological dento-maxillary alterations: another chapter of pathology practically absent from the animal world.
Therefore, let us proceed by analysing the abnormalities in jaw bone sizes and the dento-maxillary relationship. The incidence and variability of these abnormalities is so high as to render almost always necessary a corrective action (orthodontic or even orthopedic) to correct the rapport between the two arches. In Dentistry, there are several types of cephalometric analyses (tests used to assess the accuracy of the rapport between the upper and lower arches). Cephalometry is a series of measurements on an X-ray of the latero-lateral skull which in theory should define the limits of normality, and the test is considered essential to the implementation of dental therapy. If we observe Elementary school children we’ll see that the vast majority of them wear braces on their teeth. In some countries, such as Brazil, where the search for an aesthetic ideal is felt very strongly amongst all classes of the population, the use of braces is very common even amongst adults. The logical conclusion is that: 1) there is no constancy in intermaxillary rapports in the human species, 2) class I interarch rapport for teeth and bone bases is more an archetype that occurs in rare cases than a reality, and the pathological situation is the exception, 3) technicians are guided by this intermaxillary rapport which is considered a usual ‘ideal’ in the criterion for beauty that even laymen can recognize. These differences are absent in the animal world and it is extremely rare to find anomalies even in the shape and size of a single tooth!
Of all the living beings man alone needs dental braces since the discordance in size, number of teeth, bone volume and structure of the bases is such that at times a person’s face can be disfigured. It happens that in observing very severe cases of class II (small mandible set back with respect to the maxilla) or class III (prominent mandible, and maxilla set back or hypotrophic) one feels as though the mandible does not belong to the patient and has been put there by mistake or worse, by one of Nature’s freak accidents. Special and highly invasive surgical procedures, such as those of Le Fort or Obveweiser-Dal Pont’s mandibular resection, have been developed over the years to correct maxillary disharmonies which are severely impairing both aesthetically and functionally.
Having worked for over 25 years as an odontologist and oral surgeon I began to see all those anomalies regarding the position and shape and sometimes the number of third molars (wisdom teeth, which are the subject of my daily work) with new light. Wisdom teeth are a problem we all have (with an incidence of over 90%) and in some North American schools avulsion of the four wisdom teeth is routinely performed even prior to the manifestation of symptoms.
Third molars appear to me as clear evidence of hybridization. The problem of third molars is so frequent it can be considered normal. We see from this pathology that the size of the maxillary bone was originally greater and more proportionate to the presence of 32 teeth and not 28 as it appears in the current observation. It is clear that 32 teeth could easily fit comfortably into a larger jaw bone; instead the jaw bones that we see today have no space in the vast majority of cases for the infamous third molars.


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